

Quetta Pakistan Weather Detail History

Quetta Pakistan Weather Detail History

Quetta Pakistan Weather Detail History

Quetta, Pakistan landscapes a central and semi-arid weather with significant differences between summer and winter. The maximum temperature noted in Quetta was 42 °C (108 °F) on 10 July 1998. The minimum temperature in Quetta is −18.3 °C (−0.9 °F) which was noted on 8 January 1970.

Quetta Pakistan Weather Detail History

Quetta Pakistan Weather Detail HistoryQuetta Weather Summary

Summer jolts in late May and remains until early September with normal temperatures ranging from 24 °C (75 °F) to 26 °C (79 °F). Autumn jolts in late September and remains until November with normal temperatures of 12 °C (54 °F) to 18 °C (64 °F). Winter jolts from the October and ends in March, with normal temperatures near 4 °C (39 °F) to 5 °C (41 °F). Spring starts in April and ends in May, with normal temperatures 15 °C (59 °F). Quetta does not have a monsoon season, dense rainfall. The maximum rainfall during a 24-hour period is 113 millimeters recorded on 17 December 2000. The maximum monthly rainfall is 232.4 millimeters recorded in March 1982 and maximum annual rainfall recorded is 949.8 millimeters in 1982. The maximum chances of rain in winter snow falls mostly in December, January, February months but sometimes even in March.

Month wise climate cycle

The monthly division of the weather in Quetta is as below:


January is the coolest month in Quetta Because of rainfall and Snowfall as well in the city. The maximum temperature on record 23.6 °C on 28 January 1987 and the Minimum temperature is −18.3 °C recorded on 8 January 1970. The maximum month of rainfall recorded was 178 millimeters in 1982. The maximum rain in a 24 hours period was 69 millimeters on 30 January 1982. Because of coolest month it is crucial for the snow to fall. Heaviest snow fall in past 10 years is 2 feet.


In Quetta February is also normally cold with rains and snowfall. The maximum temperature ever recorded was 26.6 °C on 16 February 2002, and Minimum temperature was −16.7 °C on 1 February 1970. While the maximum monthly rainfall is 189.2 millimeters in 1982. The densest rainfall in 24-hours was 54 millimeters on 17 February 2003.The chances of falling snow in this month is high. Every year on this month the city receives light snow.


March is the showery month of the city and as well cool but at the end of the month converts slightly warmer. In this month rains with strong winds and probabilities of snowfall on the mountains around the city. Few chance of snowfall in the city mostly during the first two weeks of the month. The probability of thunderstorms is very high during the month with the risk of some unbelievable thunders.

The maximum temperature for the month of March was 32.5 °C on 31 March 2018. While the minimum was −8.3 °C on 12 March 1973. The maximum monthly rainfall recorded was 232.4 millimeters in 1982. The densest rain in a 24 hour time was 75 millimeters on 31 March 1985.


Thunderstorms continue during the first week of the month and last occasionally during the second and third weeks. The weather in April is same to the weather of March. The maximum temperature recorded was 35 °C on 27 April 1979 and minimum temperature was −3.9 °C on 2 April 1965. The maximum monthly rainfall was 158.7 millimeters in 1992. The densest rainfall in a 24 hour time was 49 millimeters on 12 April 1983.


In month of May the weather converts to hotter. The maximum temperature was 39.4 °C on 11 May 2000 and the minimum was −0.3 °C on 3 May 1989. Moisture levels drops as compared to other months of Quetta. The maximum monthly rainfall recorded was 39.9 millimeters in 1963 and the densest rainfall recorded in a 24 hour time was 28 millimeters on 25 May 2003. On 2 May 2005 a storm concealed the Quetta city with a comprehensive of dust that lasted for many days.


In month of June in Quetta the temperatures continue to increase. Temperatures in the range of 40 °C with the maximum on record at 41.5 °C on 4 June 2005. The minimum temperature was 6 °C on 14 June 1979.In Year 2007 Hurricane Yemyin hit the coastline parts of Baluchistan and triggered rains in major parts of the province, including Quetta producing a record breaking 61 millimeters of rain among 22 June to 30 June. The densest rainfall in a 24-hour time of 20 millimeters was recorded on 29 June 2007.


In the month of July is the hottest month in Quetta. Since Quetta situated outside the belt of monsoon. However, occasionally if monsoon becomes strong sufficient, then Quetta can also have some rains. The maximum temperature recorded in the month was 46 °C on July 2014 while the minimum temperature was 10.6 °C on 11 July 1977 and the maximum rainfall for this month is 121.8 millimeters in 1978 On 14 July 2006 a Spartan dust storm hit the Quetta valley for three uninterrupted days, dropping visibility to less than a kilometer which also cause of air flights disturbance.


In Quetta valley the month of August is also a hot with a maximum temperature recorded of 40.6 °C on 9 August 1970. Contrariwise the Minimum temperature was 3.9 °C on 29 August 1972. The densest monthly rainfall recorded was 121.8 millimeters in 1978 and the densest rainfall in 24-hours’ time was 102 millimeters on 3 August 1983. On 6 August 2013 a major rain storm with heavy deluge lash valley of Quetta city. As per Pakistan Meteorological Department 12 millimeters of rainfall was recorded during one and half-hour rainfall.


In the month of September the weather still hot but gets cooler towards the last week of the month. It is one of the driest months in the city. The maximum recorded temperature was 39.3 °C on 16 September 2016 and minimum was −0.6 °C on 30 September 1962. With the densest rainfall for a 24-hour time period standing at 28 millimeters on 5 September 1994. Quetta valley in 2011 a time of monsoon rains formed extensive heavy rains in Sindh province and some parts of Baluchistan. The top maximum monthly rainfall of 62 millimeters recorded in 1994.


October is the most dried out month in the city with a record maximum monthly rainfall of 68.8 millimeters in 1982 and a 24 hour time record of 30 millimeters on 19 October 1982. The maximum and minimum temperatures are 34 °C on 1 October 1998 and −6.7 °C on 27 October 1964 individually. In October 2011 the city usual its second maximum rainfall of 31.1 millimeters.


Winter is start in November as with rainfall and conceivably snowfall over the Quetta Valley City mountains. The maximum and minimum temperatures noted for the month was 36 °C on 3 November 1998 and −13.3 °C on 30 November 1964 individually. On 14 November 2008 the least temperature recorded was −8 °C as the Quetta valley and some parts of Baluchistan were in the hold of a cold for few days. The densest rainfall recorded was 30 millimeters for a 24 hour time period on 16 November 2003. While the densest rainfall for the month was 72 millimeters in 2006.


In Quetta December is naturally a cold month with some chances of light rain and snowfall. The densest rainfall for the month was 162 millimeters in 1982 and the densest rainfall for 24 hours’ time was recorded at 113 millimeters on 17 December 2000. The maximum and minimum temperatures recorded were 25 °C on 14 December 1970 and −16.7 °C on 12 December 1964 correspondingly.


Quetta frequently receives snow in the months of December, January and February. However it is not rare to have a snowfall as late as March. During the Years of 1998 to 2002 Quetta didn't receive any snowfall. In the years of 2004, 2005 and 2008 it snowfall only once in the year. In 2004 and 2008 Quetta city usual heavy snow twice after history of fifteen years.

Annual rainfall

The middling yearly rainfall for Quetta is 212.9 millimeters which is very low as compare to other cities of Pakistan. The city mostly receives rain from the winter season from November to March. The rainfall in 2007 was also usual while received record breaking monthly rainfall of 61 millimeters in June. In year 2008 Quetta received usual rains with snow falling two times in January to February.

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